Thursday, May 20, 2010

Strepp Throat, Again

I don't know why, but I'm extremely prone to strepp. I get it a few times a year and I hate it. Right now I'm on day 5 of having strepp and it's just about gone. I'm about to go back to work after missing three days. It'll be nice to get back to the farm.

Other than that not much is new. My mom came into town to play bunco. She plays bunco with a group of moms, and I guess she loves it because she now commutes four hours from the bay area to the central coast just to play.

I still haven't made any progress on looking into becoming a monk. There will be a nun at my buddhist temple this week. I'm planning on asking her if she knows of any monasteries I could check out and maybe stay for a weekend. I don't think I'll actually become a monk.... to discipline really turns me off, but I have a lot of interest in it, and I have to at least check it out.

Monday, May 3, 2010


I dig my farm job (pun intended), but I definitely don't wanna be doing it for the rest of my life. I've had lots of things to think about these past few years, but mostly, I've thought about how I want to spend my time. Working takes up just about all your time these days, so it's important to me to have a job I'm passionate about. Guys, what I'm trying to get at here is that I think I'm going to become a Buddhist monk.

Yup, I've at least decided I'm going to look into it. I figure I'm gonna be busting my ass in one way or another. Might as well bust it on a zafu! I've thought a lot about becoming a monk in the past, but I was always turned off by the strict discipline the monks abide by. After working for a while, however, my aversion to discipline has faded away. I'm no longer turned off by the idea of hard work or strict discipline.

Hopefully their will be a lay teacher at Bodhi Path (the Buddhist temple I go to) this Sunday. I want to inquire about monkhood. I don't really know anything about becoming a monk... but I'll find out and share it here. Peace, ya'll!